Ben & Lindsay
We're Ben and Lindsay, a couple who live in a small town in East Yorkshire, with our two fur babies and a human baby on the way.
We first used beeswax wraps while travelling around Australia a few years ago and loved the ethos of being able to reuse them again and again, how many different things they could be used for and of course how they reduce our usage of single-use plastics.
Returning home, we started making the beeswax wraps for ourselves and soon started crafting them for our friends & family.

Local market stall
It wasn't long before our friends and family motivated us into making more wraps and hiring a stall at our local market - this is where it all began!
Now, nearly 3 years later, we attend large events throughout the country and make a positive impact with customers who have similar goals of reducing their usage of single-use plastics through using alternative methods.
Between us, we handcraft our beeswax wraps using locally sourced beeswax and fabric remnants wherever we can. We are part of the entire process when creating each one of our beeswax wraps, from cutting and cooking to waxing, folding and packaging. It’s a lengthy process but totally worth it when we think about the amount of plastic usage being reduced each time we send out a pack to an online customer or speaking to like-minded people at the markets, who are constantly helping us to learn and grow.